Surgery of any kind is one of the primary indications for lymphatic drainage. In fact, many surgeons include lymphatic drainage massages as part of their packages with their own in-house therapists.
The gentle nature and pressure of the strokes mean that treatment can be started soon after surgery. To get the best results, we recommend you commence treatment around day 5 at the latest, in fact, the sooner you begin your lymphatic drainage after your surgery the better in order to reduce your recovery time, (please check with your surgeon if you're unsure).
A study by two American Cosmetic Surgeons revealed that patients undertaking Manual Lymphatic Drainage had a significantly shortened recovery time:
“We see complete resolution of post-operative edema and fibrosis in this group between 9 months to 18 months following surgery. In the ten groups listed above who underwent MLD and Deep Tissue Massage, post-operative swelling and fibrosis resolved within 6 weeks to 3 months, thereby shortening their recovery significantly"
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy : An Integral Component of Postoperative Care in Plastic Surgery Patients. by Laurie A. Casas, MD FACS; Patricia DePoli, MD
MLD is particularly beneficial for patients undertaking liposuction, breast augmentation, reduction ore reconstruction, face, forehead and brow lifts, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty fat injection and even wisdom tooth removal.
Benefits to the patient have been shown to include:
Bruising reduction – allowing for shorter down time for clients
Oedema reduction
Pain management – as pressure of lymph fluid decreases around nerves, pain and discomfort is reduced.
Scar-tissue prevention and fibrosis reduction
Infection prevention.
The gentle nature of the strokes means that you can commence treatment soon after surgery. To get the best results, we recommend that you start at day 5 at the latest, the sooner the better in terms of bruising and swelling reduction. (Always check with your surgeon first to be sure of any contra indications)
Lymphatic Drainage is also highly recommended pre-operatively. It has been shown to assist with the removal of excess interstitial fluid at the site of the surgery, as well as stimulating the immune response, decreasing your risk of infection. One or two treatments are recommended up 24-48 hours before surgery for the most benefit.
Post operatively, we recommend between 6 - 10 sessions 2 or 3 times a week initially to achieve the best results. Discounted packages are available. Pricing details can be found here.
As always, if you have any questions at all, feel free to get in touch.